name first name chronicle/additional source governmental record ransomed by ransom notes
Acy Philippe de   E101/48/2, no. 65, 7 Jan 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Grene of Calais and Breuhons of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 33s 4d
Anfernet Peter d’   DKR 44, 591, C76/100 m 23, 2 May 1417 Sir Walter Hungerford safe conduct to go to France
Anger Gerardin   E101/48/2 no 6-7, 30 Dec 1415, bond; payment 24 June 1416 (also no 68 ) John Ormesby (retinue of Sir Richard Tempest) and Oliver Baldyngton masters had to pay king £15 11s 1d ob for the three, (with two other prisoners, Aynger, Jean de la Ryver and Guillaume Turree(280 ecus); Anger also in another bond with Richard Vansour
Arge Guillaume   E101/48/2, no. 46, 10 Jan 1416, bond; payment 24 June 1416 Sir Roger Fiennes Fiennes had to pay king £55 11s 4d for his 2 prisoners, msr Guillaume d’Arge and Guillaume de Haucourt
Armenia (son of the king of) Bourgeois      
Aubyn Gauchi Dynter E101/48/2 no. 49, 16 Oct 1416 bond; payment 11 April 1417; ICB, pp. 338-9 (no. 10384) Henry Lounde esquire and John Mersk esquire portion paid by masters to king was £42.11.10 ob for three prisoners Gauchi Aubyn, Simon Gussy and Robert Gautier; 8 Nov 1426, Jean IV of Brabant pays him 1K couronnes for ransom.
Aule Robin de Dynter ICB, pp. 338-339 (no. 10384)   On 8 November 1426, Jean IV, duke of Brabant, promised to pay 1,000 couronnes de France to Robin partly because of the ransom he had to pay to the English when he was taken prisoner at Agincourt
Azincourt Guillaume d’   Rymer, IV.ii, 165, DKR 44, 580. C76/99 m. 25, 11 June 1416 Edmund, earl of March safe conduct for him to go from England to France
Bar? Jean de Brut: Sir Iohn of Bare, the duke’s brother of Bar, prisoner; Monstrelet Jean de Bar seigneur de Puisay dead      
Barbasens Massy   DKR 44, 577, C76/98 m. 1, 26 Feb 1416 William Rokell safe conduct for him to go from England to France to seek ransom
Barys Janin de   E210/2837, 16 Dec 1415, bond; payment date not known Robert Keling of Calais and William Van Strale of Calais portion that masters had to pay king was 33s 4d
Bastard Colyn   E101/48/2 no. 37, 5 April 1416, bond; payment 24 June 1416 John Pateryk valet of the wardrobe of the duke of Gloucester and Richard Tropnale, citizen of london portion that masters had to pay king was £6 2 2 fa.
Beausse Thierry del   E101/46/4, 16 Jan 1416, bond; payment 24 June 1416. Sir Henry Husee ( ret of Gloucester) portion that master had to pay king for his 10 prisoners was 200 marks (£123 6 8)
Beauval? Valeran de, seigneur d’Occoches Anselme? (info Bouzy) prisoner, dead 3 May 1416      
Beell Jean de   E101/48/2 no. 4, 20 Dec. 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Ralph Taylor Cole, Henry Drwyn portion masters had to pay king was 33s 4d
Beley Jakot de   E101/48/2 no. 29, 16 Dec. 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Perman of Calais, John Warwyk of Calais portion masters had to pay king was 44s 6d
Belle Hugh de   DKR 44, 576, C76/98 m. 4, 28 Jan 1416 Walter Hungerford safe conduct for him to go from England to his estates in France
Benefyk Emyneon   DKR 44, 575, C76/98 m. 4, 20 Nov 1415 Walter Hungerford safe conduct for him to go from England to his estates in France
Blandy Pierre de   DKR 44, 577, C76/98 m. 3, 8 Feb 1416   safe conduct to go from England to France (group of eight prisoners given safe conduct)
Boisgarnier Jean de   DKR 44, 58, C76/99 m. 24, 5 June 1416 Thomas Uvedale safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Bonefoye Jean, servant of Jean Garyn   E101/48/2 no. 40, 17 Feb 1416, bond; payment 2 Feb 1417 Henry, lord Fitzhugh portion that master had to pay for his six prisoners was £37 (Damas de Veryns, Jean de Garyn and his valet, Jean Bonefoye, Jean Clerc, Antoine Puenoise, Jean Tras)
Bonent Pierre de   E101/48/2 no. 31-2, 24 Feb 1416, bond; payment 24 June 1416 Sir John Grey master had to pay to king for this prisoner 40 ecus (in group of 10 prisoners, total £163 6s 8d)
Bonnet Guillaume   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 7, 25 Jan 1417   safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Bonoye Phelippe de   E101/48/2 no 25, 14 Dec 1415, bond; payment 15 Feb 1416 John Ellestowe of Calais and Simon Wetyng of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was £11 2s 4d
Bont Perronet   E 101/48/2 no. 11, 9 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Robert Wysebech of Calais portion master had to pay was 30s
Borchoven Raes van den Boffa, Antoine de Bourgogne     taken at battle
Bornt Gilbert   E101/48/2 no 67, 13 July 1416, bond; payment 25 Dec 1416 John Miston of Calais and John Petyt of Calais portion that master had to pay king was £8 6 8
Boucicaut Jean Le Maingre, marshal Monstrelet le mareschal Boucicaut; Brut Salisbury list; TNA E 358/6 rot 2; DKR 44, 590 C76/100 m. 23, 9 April 1417 William Wolf, man at arms in retinue of the earl of Arundel safe conduct 1417 for Roland de Chivyt and Jean Vaudin his servants to go to France to seek his ransom (1417)
Boufflers Aleaume de, seigneur d’Aleaume Anselme, V, 78     taken to England, accordinb to Anselme, ransom 5K tournois, allowed to return to Ponthieu to collect
Boulogne Magnard   DKR 44, 585, C 76/99 m 11, 4 Dec 1416 Thos Wenlock safe conduct for him to go from England to France
Bourbon Jean, duke of Monstrelet le duc de Bourbon E358/6 rot 1; Salisbury list Ralph Fowne esq retinue of Ralph Shirley handed over to the king, no sum of money mentioned
Bourne Pierre la   E210/2834, 3 Jan 1416, bond John Bakster of Calais and William Ledenham of Calais portion that masters had to pay to king was 33s 4d
Bouvet Alisandre de   E101/46/4, 16 jan 1416, bond. Payment 24 June 1416. Sir Henry Husee (ret of Duke of Gloucester) total for Husee’s ten prisoners which he had to pay to king was 200 marks (£123 6 8)
Bov[…] Guillaume   E 210/2804, 12 March 1416 , bond; payment 7 June 1416 Henry Myrfield of Calais and Thomas Myrfield of Calais portion masters had to pay was 26s 8d
Bowan Janyn   E 101/48/2 no 56, 16 Dec 1415 bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Hedon and John Haward portion paid by masters to king was 17s 10d
Boylesve Pierre de, seigneur de Forjan La Chenaye-Desbois     taken prisoner with duke of Orleans; only able to pay ransom in 1431
Brie Jean de Poquet de Haut Jussé 119-20, no 249, 14 Oct 1418     letter of king says he was captured at Blanis sur Ternois, on 7 Dec 1418 recd £500 lt to help him pay his ransom when captured at Agincourt, see Belleval 275 and Poquet p 130
Brimeu Athis de Monstrelet messire Athis de Brimeux; Morosini DKR 44, 577, C76/98 m. 3, 8 Feb 1416   safe conduct to go from England to France (group of eight prisoners given sc); payment of 500 lt on 7 Dec 1418 to help him pay his ransom re Agincourt
Broyly Perot   E101/48/2 no 20, 23 Dec 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Davy Graston of Calais and John Mersk of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 33s 4d
Broyn Peryn   E 210/2829, 9 Jan 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Lyle of Calais and Geradin Armoger of Calais portion masters had to pay was 22s 3d
Brule Jean de   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m. 8, 3 Dec 1416 Thomas Kendale safe conduct for him to go from England to France to seek money for ransom
Brussy Jacques de   Rymer, IV, ii, 151, DKR 44, 575, C76/98 m. 6, 6 Dec 1415   safe conduct for him with two servants and 6 other French prisoners to go to king
Buisson seigneur de Gruel: under banner of Richemont and prisoner      
Bygot John   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m. 7, 10 Dec 1416 John Blount safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Cadier Guillaume   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m. 7, 25 Jan 1417   safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Cambout Jean du Anselme, IV, 801      
Cambray Colart de Waroquier, I, 44      
Cantepie Roger de   E101/45/12, 31 Jan 1416, bond. Payment 24 June 1416. William Trussell one of nine prisoners, portion payable by Trussell for him was 100 ecus
Carpenter Stephane   E101/48/2 no 30, 16 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Blackbone of Calais and John Lenyng of Calais one of four prisoners (Stephane Carpenter, Richard Hacherell, Raulin France, Jean le Duber), portion payable by masters to king for them was £10
Catenius Anthony   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m. 8, 15 March 1417   safe conduct for him, a prisoner of the king, to go from England to Fr
Caumesnil Jean de   ICB, p 51 (no 9475), 24 July 1417, warrant   notes payment of ransom
Cavus John   E101/45/12, 31 Jan 1416, bond. Payment 24 June 1416. William Trussell one of nine prisoners, portion payable by Trussell for him was 40 ecus
Cayeu Mathieu de   E101/48/2, no 45, 1 June 1416, bond; payment 29 Sept 1416 Robert, lord Willoughby portion that master had to pay king was 25 marks (£14 6s 8d): released on parole 13 Nov 1415 date on which he was recd at Boulogne ‘on his return from the English prison (Boulogne sur Mer 1415-16, 108-9)
Chagny Hamon de   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m. 7, 15 March 1416; DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 7, 10 Dec 1416 William Rokell safe conduct to go to his estates in France to collect money for ransom;safe conductfor him to go from England to Fr
Chalance Guillemin   E101/48/2 no. 51, no date, bond; payment 25 Dec 1416 RobertSaltmarsh esquire portion that master had to pay king was£13
Chanery Jean   E101/48/2 no. 36, 20 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Richard Cliderowe of Calais and John Belle of Calais portion that masters had to pay king was 7s 10d
Chantermerle Thibaut de   Rymer, IV, ii, 151, DKR 44, 575, C76/98 m. 6, 6 Dec 1415   safe conduct with two servants and six other French prisoners to come to king
Chastel Jean   DKR 44, 577, C76/98 m. 3, 11 Feb 1416 Sir Nicholas Merbury safe conduct for him and Jeannet Tyrel de Poix to go from England to their estates in France to collect money for ransom and pay it either in Calais or England
Chastraugiron Jean   DKR 44, 577, C76/98 m. 3, 18 Jan 1416   safe conduct for him, a French prisoner, to go from England to Brittany to collect money for his ransom and that of Arhur de Richemont
Chaumont Guillaume de, seigneur de Guitry   AN Xia 4791 fol 71 v: 8 april 1416   permission by parlement to leave his office of bailli of Evreux to pay his ransom to English
Chausoneres Guy de   DKR 44, 572, C 76/98 m 10, 3 Dec 1415 Robert Lutterworth safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Chauveron Audoin   BN PO 723 Chauveron 23   in will of father late officer in parlt made 4 Dec 1421, noted audoin had been kept prisoner by Engl after Azincourt
Choiseul Amedee Demurger, ‘Baillis’, 244-6     duke of Burgundy gave him 2,000 francs to help him pay his ransom to English
Clary Guillaume de, seigneur de Gézaincourt et Esquencourt Belleval, 277 BN MSS Du Cange D, 116, 27 June 1424   sold his estates in Gezaincourt ro pay debts of 2,300 ecus he had contracted to pay ransom
Clerc Jean   E101/48/2 no. 40, 17 Feb 1416; payment 2 Feb 1417 Henry, lord Fitzhugh portion that master had to pay for his six prisoners was £37 (Damas de Veryns, Jean de Garyn and his valet, Jean Bonefoye, Jean Clerc, Antoine Puenoise, Jean Tras)
Clyvaler Colyn   E101/48/2 no. 38, 16 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 William Garston of London and Thomas Mordon portion that masters had to pay king was 44s 6d
Cobreake Jean of Normandy   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 8, 3 Dec 1416 Thomas Kendall safe conduct for him to go from England to France to seek money for ransom
Coetys William de   E101/45/12, 31 Jan 1416 bond. Payment 24 June 1416. William Trussell one of nine prisoners, portion payable by Trussell for him was 40 ecus
Cole Jean Dynter     chronicle notes taken prisoner at Azincourt
Cole Jean, of Brussels Dynter      
Coniers Hugues Calendar of Plea Rolls, 91-3   suit Richard Whittington mercer of London v Stephen Turnebois, merchant action for debt by Whittington for £296: claimed he had bought and had in his custody Coniers, a prisoner taken at Agincourt and put to ransom at 1,600 crosn and 16 makrs of silver troy weight, worth in total £296
Corps     E358/6, m 1r William Callowe, archer of Robert Babthorpe, and William Kempton, man at arms of William Phelip ransom estimated at £356.13.4
Corveller Henri de   E101/48/2 no. 61, 31 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Bakster of Calais andWilliam Ledenham of Calais portion that masters had to pay king was 17 s 9 ob
Coward Rivery   E101/48/2 no. 14 and 33, 10 Oct 1416, bond; payment 25 Dec 1416 John Harwood of Yorkshire and John Hill of Hunden portion that masters had to pay king for their prisoners Janyn and Rivery Coward was 22s 2 ob
Coward Janyn   E101/48/2 no. 14 and 33, 10 Oct. 1416, bond; payment 25 Dec 1416 John Harwood of Yorkshire and John Hill of Hunden portion that masters had to pay king for their prisoners Janyn and Rivery Coward was 22s 2 ob
Craon Jean de, seigneur de Dommart, Bernaville, Montsoreau et Nouastre Monstrelet messire Jehan de Craon seigneur de Dommart E101/48/2 no. 31-2, 24 Feb 1416, bond; payment 24 June 1416 Sir John Grey master had to pay to king for this prisoner 400 ecus (in group of 10 prisoners, total £163 6s 8d)
Criquebeuf Simon   E101/48/2 no. 43, 20 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Thomas Wenlock esquire and William Ludsor esquire portion that masters had to pay king was 44s 6d
Crosse Jean de la   DKR 44, 582, C76/99 m. 20, 22 June 1416 (also DKR 44, 586 C 76/99 m 9 13 Dec 1416 ); DKR 44, 590 C76/100 m 23 9 April 1419 John Emond safe conduct for him to go from England to France(1419 ref is for a Sir Jean de la Croys and other Frenchmen to go to france to seek ransom of count of Vendome); see also his later return June 1417 p 595
Crotoy maire of Boulogne, 110     released on parole 13 nov 1415
Cudert Louys   E101/48/2 no 51, 31 Dec 1415, bond William ? And William Baldeston portion that masters had to pay king was £7 8s 11d
Daveree Jean   DKR 44, 586, C76/98 m. 8, 12 Dec 1416 french prisoners of the king safe conduct for him and G de Gamaches to go from England to estates in France to collect money for ransom
Debet Louis junior   E101/48/2 no. 31-2, 24 Feb 1416 bond; payment 24 June 1416 Sir John Grey master had to pay to king for this prisoner 120 ecus (in group of 10 prisoners, total £163 6s 8d)
Denvey Jean   E101/48/2 no 66, 20 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Ormesby of Calais and Robert Due of Calais portion that masters had to pay king was 77s 10d
Deveros Alain, of Normandy   DKR 44, 587, C76/99 m 73 Feb 1417 prisoner of the king safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Devoyer Oliver   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 8, 3 Dec 1416 Thomas Kendall safe conduct for him to go from England to France to collect ransom
Dreune Jean   E101/48/2 no 62, 27 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Peter Pykeryng of Calais and William Halton of Calais portion that masters had to pay king for their two prisoners Jean Vyncent and Jean Dreune was 26s 8d
Droyle Edrad   E358/6 m. 5d Robert Sadler, retinue of Thos Chaworth, and Thomas Chaworth himself ransom estimated as £58.13.4
Dubuschet Fransoy   E101/48/2 no. 31-2, 24 Feb 1416; payment 24 June 1416 Sir John Grey master had to pay to king for this prisoner 100 ecus (in group of 10 prisoners, total £163 6s 8d)
Duyson Glande de   E101/48/2 no. 31-2, 24 Feb 1416; payment 24 June 1416 Sir John Grey master had to pay to king for this prisoner 120 ecus (in group of 10 prisoners, total £163 6s 8d)
Escaussines Jean de   ICB, 39 (no. 9436) warrant for payment, 29 April 1417 Leuven   warrant of payment claims he was taken prisoner at Agincourt
Escroz Jean d’   BL Add. Ch. 3475, 3476 (14 June 1416, 24 Aug 1416) notes payment of 100lt of 200 lt from the duke of Orleans to help him pay his ransom   in 1416 duke of Orleans gives him 200 lt to assist him pay his ransom to the English. Capture at Agincourt is assumed.
Essarts Pierre des   Choix de pièces inédites relatives au règne de Charles VI    
Essarts Charles des   DKR 44, 577, C76/98 m. 3, 8 Feb 1416; DKR 44, 581, C76/99 m 23, 4 July 1416; DKR 44, 588 C76/99 m 5 26 Feb 1417;   safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr;safe conduct to go from England to France (group of eight prisoners given sc)
Eu Charles, count of Monstrelet le conte d’Eu; Brut Salisbury list    
Eustace John   DKR 44, 585, C76/99 m 11, 6 Dec 1416   safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Fayel Jean de        
Fayel Jean de, vicomte de Breteuil   Rymer, IV, ii, 151, DKR 44, 575, C76/98 m. 6, 6 Dec 1415   safe conduct with a servant and six other French prisoners to go to the king
Fernoy Guillaume de   E101/45/12, 31 Jan 1416 bond; payment 24 June 1416. William Trussell one of nine prisoners, portion payable by Trussell for him was 100 ecus
Fesshale Jean de   DKR 44, 577, C76/98 m. 3, 8 Feb 1416   safe conduct to go from England to France (group of eight prisoners given sc)
Flahaut Pierre   CGB, 1416-20, iii-2, 688 (no. 9821), 26 Nov 1416   on 26 Nov 1416 received £52 10 From the duke of Burgundy to help pay his ransom
Flavyle Jean de   DKR 44, 577, C76/98 m.3, 18 Feb 1416 Walter Hungerford safe conduct for him to go from England to France to their estates (with three other French esquire, Moreu de Zeeland, Jean de Gey and Drewen Magyn)
Floure Anthony   DKR 44, 587, C76/99 m 5,27 Jan 1417 Sir Brian Stapleton safe conduct for him to go from England to France
Fontaines Pierre de   Hardy, Rotuli Normanniae, 267, 10 March 1418,   petition of his brother Robert, who was governing his estates, claims he is detained prisoner in England
Fooe Bernard de   E101/48/2 no 69, 16 Feb 1416, bond; payment 24 June 1416 Lancelot de Lisle of Hampshire and William Daccombe of Hampshire portion that masters had to pay king was 111s 4 ob
Fosseux Jean, seigneur de Monstrelet le seigneur de Fosseux; Morosini sire de Fosseux with his five brothers in dead DKR 44, 576, C76/98 m. 5 18 Jan16 Richard Maydeston (who returned to England after Harfleur) safe conduct for him to go from England to his estates in France (believed to be taken prisoner at Agincourt)
France Janin de   E101/48/2 no 17, 30 Jan. 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Richard Thern and William Kirkeby of Calais portion that masters had to pay king was 26s 8d
France Raulin   E101/48/2 no 30, 16 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Blackbone of Calais and John Lenyng of Calais one of four prisoners (Stephane Carpenter, Richard Hacherell, Raulin France, Jean le Duber), portion payable by masters to king for them was £10
Fraunceys Peter   DKR 44, 583, C76/99 m 17, 23 Oct 1416 Thomas, earl of Salisbury safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Frenay Jean de   DKR 44, 576, C76/98 m. 5, 18 Jan 1416 Edmund, earl of March safe conduct for him to go from England to estates in France to collect ransom
Frenoy Martin   E101/48/2 no 57, 15 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Merske of Calais and William Bud of Yorkshire portion that masters had to pay king was 44s 6d
Fullard Peter de, of Orleans   DKR 44, 587, C76/99 m 5, 27 Jan 1417 Sir Brian Stapleton safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Galeon Jean de   DKR 44, 588, C76/99 m 4 26 Feb 1417 Gilbert Umfraville safe conduct to go to France in search of his ransom
Gamaches Guillaume, seigneur de   DKR 44, 586, C76/98 m. 8, 12 Dec 1416 French prisoners of the king safe conduct for him and J Davereu to go from England to estates in France to collect money for ransom
Garyn Jean de   E101/48/2 no. 40, 17 Feb 1416; payment 2 Feb 1417 Henry, lord Fitzhugh portion that master had to pay for his six prisoners was £37 (Damas de Veryns, Jean de Garyn and his valet, Jean Bonefoye, Jean Clerc, Antoine Puenoise, Jean Tras)
Gaucourt Raoul   DKR 44, 578, C 76/99 m 33 3 April 1416; DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 7, 25 Jan 1417 prisoner of the king safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Gautier Robert   E101/48/2 no. 49; 16 Oct 1416 bond; payment 11 April 1417 Henry Lound esquire and John Mersk esquire portion paid by masters to king was £42.11.10 ob for three prisoners Gauchi Aubyn, Simon Gussy and Robert Gautier
Gentill Charles, of Normandy   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 5, 27 Jan 1417 Sir Brian Stapleton safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Germayne Thomas (or Stephane)   E201/2865, 16 March 1416, bond Thomas Myryfield of Calais and Henry Myryfield of Calais portion that masters had to pay king was 13s 4d
Gey Jean de   DKR 44 p. 577 C76/98 m 3, 18 Feb 1416 Walter Hungerford safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Gey Jean   E101/48/2 no 19, 4 Jan 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Edmund Bene of Calais and Robert Drye of Calais portion that masters had to pay king was 23s 4d
Giffard Jean, of Brittany Gruel: under banner of Richemont and prisoner      
Gilis Thomas   E101/48/2 no 10, 15 April 1416, bond; payment 7 June 1416 John Laghton and Henry Woulond portion that masters had to pay king was 20s
Glimes Jean de, seigneur de Bergen-op-zoom Dynter      
Gonye Louis de   E101/48/2 no 47, 10 Feb 1416, bond; payment 24 June 1416 Sir Roland Lenthale portion that master had to pay king for his two prisoners, Louis de Gouye and Jean de Monturywas £26 13s 4d
Goodman Devellers Theobald   E101/48/2 no 44, 24 Mar. 1416, bond; payment 24 June 1416 William Fitzhenry esquire portion that masters had to pay king was 111s 1d
Grilles Jerome de   DKR 44, 598, C76/100 m 14 22 July 1417 Sir Gilbert Umfraville safe conduct to go to France
Grosson Guillaume   CGB, II-1, 61 (no. 1783), 8 Oct 1418   payment by duke of Burgundy of 49 francsto help him pay his ransom to the English
Groues Pierre de   E101/48/2 no 3; 9 Jan 1416, bond; payment 16 April 1416 Nicholas Heruby of Calais and Peter Pykeryng of Calais portion that masters had to pay king was £10
Grussy Jean de   DKR 44, 577, C76/98 m. 3, 8 Feb 1416   safe conduct to go from England to France (group of eight prisoners given sc)
Gussy Simon   E101/48/2 no. 49; 16 Oct 1416 bond; payment 11 April 1417 Henry Lound esquire and John Mersk esquire portion paid by masters to king was £42.11.10 ob for three prisoners Gauchi Aubyn, Simon Gussy and Robert Gautier
Habyron Louis   E101/48/2 no 74, 3 Feb 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 ? Scot of Calais and John Petyt of Calais portion that masters had to pay king was £4 8s 5d
Hacherell Richard   E101/48/2 no 30, 16 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 april 1416 John Blacbourne of Calais and John Lenyng of Calais one of four prisoners (Stephane Carpenter, Richard Hacherell, Raulin France, Jean le Duber), portion payable by masters to king for them was £10
Hallay Jean de   E101/46/4, 16 Jan 1416, bond; payment 24 June 1416. Sir Henry Husee (ret of Duke of Gloucester) total for Husee’s ten prisoners which he had to pay to king was 200 marks (£123 6 8)
Hanett Reginald   E101/48/2 no 60, 23 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Peter Pykeryng of Calais and William Halton of Calais portion that masters had to pay king was 26s 8d
Hangest Guillaume   E101/48/2 no 72, 14 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Alexander Mason of Calais and Richard Seynforth of Calais portion that masters had to pay king was £6 13s 4d
Harcourt Jacques de, baron de Montgommery Monstrelet messire Jacques de Harcourt Boulogne, 110   released on parole 13 Nov 1415 and received in Boulogne
Harcourt Jean de, count of Anselme      
Haucourt Guillaume de   E101/48/2 no 46 10 Jan 1416, bond; payment 24 June 1416 Sir Roger Fiennes Fiennes had to pay king £55 11s 4d for his 2 prisoners, msr Guillaume d’ Arge and Guillaume Haucourt
Hautener Pierre de   E101/48/2 no. 2: 4 Jan 1416, bond;payment 19 April 1416 John Young esquire and Thomas Burgh esquire portion that masters had to pay king was 111s 2d
Herbergh Jean   E101/48/2 no 54, 3 Feb 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Thomas Swinford knight and John Gybbeson of Calais portion that masters had to pay king was £6 2s 3d
Hervain Jean de   ICB, p. 241 (no. 10110) 22 Sept 1423;   On 22 September 1423, Jean IV, duke of Brabant, gave him 200 couronnes d’or, for the ransom he had to pay when he was taken at Agincourt
Housay Eustace de la, of Brittany   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 8, 26 Nov 1416; Sir Brian Stapleton safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Hullard Jean   E101/48/2 no 26, 31 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 William Halton of Calais and Peter Pykeryng of Calais portion that masters had to pay king was 10s
Humieres Dreux (or Philippe), seigneur de Monstrelet le seigneur de Humieres; Anselme VIII, 276      
Inchy Beaugeois de, seigneur d’Inchy Monstrelet le jeune seigneur d’Inchy; Anselme VI p. 793      
Isque Jean de   ADN B1923 f. 90r, 5 Jan 1421   payment to him of 100 francs ‘pour paier sa rancon aux englois desquelz il a estae par moult long temps prisonnier’
Jan   Boffa, 282     taken at battle
Jane Robert, of Normandy   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 9, 13 Dec 1416 John Crosse of Norwich safe conduct for him to go from England to France to collect money for his ransom
Jecar Robert, of Brittany   DKR 44, 590, C76/100 m 23, 9 April 1417 Robert Wase safe conduct to go to France to seek ransom
Karre Jean, of Normandy   DKR 44, 587, C76/99 m 5, 27 Jan 1416 Sir Brian Stapleton safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
La Feuillee Olivier de, of Brittany Gruel: under banner of Richemont and prisoner      
La Garde Guichard de   E101/48/2, no 52, 10 Jan 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Thomas Marshal of Calais and Henry Armfield of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 33s 4d
La Ryver Jean de   E101/48/2, no 22, 16 May 1416, bond; payment 24 June 1416 Sir Richard Tempest, knight portion master had to pay to king for his three prisoners La Ryvere, Guillaume Turree and Gerdin Aunger was £15 11 1 ob , 280 ecus in all
La Touche Colin de   E101/48/2 no. 31-2, 24 Feb 1416; payment 24 June 1416 Sir John Grey master had to pay to king for this prisoner 40 ecus (in group of 10 prisoners, total £163 6s 8d)
La Touche Macy   E101/48/2 no. 31-2, 24 Feb 1416; payment 24 June 1416 Sir John Grey master had to pay to king for this prisoner 40 ecus (in group of 10 prisoners, total £163 6s 8d)
La Touche Basin   E101/48/2 no. 31-2, 24 Feb 1416; payment 24 June 1416 Sir John Grey master had to pay to king for this prisoner 40 ecus (in group of 10 prisoners, total £163 6s 8d)
La Viesville Moyne de   ADN B1923 f 101 r-v, 30 April 1421   30 April 1421 the duke of burgundy gave £2,000 parisi (20 gros) to the lord of la Viesville for the expenses incurred by the ransom of his son Moyne who was captured at Agincourt
Landes jean des   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 7, 25 Jan 1417   safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Langeval Charles   E101/48/2, no 41, 13 Sept 1416, bond; payment 1 Nov 1416 John Pympe of the retinue of the duke of Gloucesterand William Perrot of Kent portion masters had to pay to king was £44 8s 11d
Langlade Jean de Bacquet 88 his return signaled at Boulogne 18 Nov 1415    
Lannoy Mathieu de   Rymer, IV, ii, 151, DKR 44, 575, C76/98 m. 6, 6 Dec 1415   safe conduct with two servants and six other French prisoners to come to king
Lannoy Hugues de, seigneur de Beaumont Waurin; des Ursins; Morosini Arch. Mun. de Lille no 16161 f 45v in B de Lannoy, Hugues de Lannoy, 42;CGB, iii-2, 450 (no 8880), 690-1 (no 9830)   received at Lille 24 nov 1415; in 1417 and 1419 duke of Burgundy gave him funds to help him pay his ransom:
Lannoy Ghillebert de, seigneur de Willerval Monstrelet messire Gilebert de Lannoy; Oeuvres de Ghillebert de Lannoy, 49-50; Comptes généraux de l’Etat bourguignon, III-2, 450 (no. 8880) ; 690-691 (no. 9830); Rymer, IV, ii, 151, DKR 44, 575, C76/98 m. 6, 6 Dec 1415; DKR 44, 577, C76/98 m. 3, 8 Feb 1416 Sir John Cornwall safe conduct with a servant and six other French prisoners to come to king; second issafe conductto go to france (group of eight); In (1417 and) 1419, the duke gave him 400 nobles d’or to help him to pay his ransom to the English
Larzeis Thomas de   DKR 44, 575, C76/98 m. 7, 27 Nov 1415; DKR 44, 581, C76/99 m. 23, 3 July 1416; AN JJ 170/253 (Aug 1418) notes his capture at battle prisoner of the king of England safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr; repeated 3 July 1416
Larzies Peter   DKR 44, 575, C76/98 m 6, 27 Nov 1415   safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Laweney Stephen   E101/48/2, no 35, 20 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Hermer of Calais and William Fussell of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 3s 4d
Le Duber Jean   E101/48/2 no 30, 16 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Blackbone of Calais and John Lenyng of Calais one of four prisoners (Stephane Carpenter, Richard Hacherell, Raulin France, Jean le Duber), portion payable by masters to king for them was £10
Le Flamant Aubert, seigneur de Cagny et Varennes Monstrelet dead: le seigneur de Chauny DKR 44, 577, C76/98 m. 3, 8 Feb 1416   safe conductto go from England to France (group of eight prisoners given sc); 24 apr 1416 on parole in Noyon asking town to help pay his ransom. Granted 300 ecus
Le Noir Alardin   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 7, 25 Jan 1417   safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Le Roy Robinet   E101/48/2, no 73, 23 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Bakster of Calais and William Ledenham of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 22s 3d
Le Vevye Jean de, of Normandy   DKR 44, 589, C76/99 m 3 28 Feb 1417 Walter Aslak and Nicholas Sotirle safe conduct to go to France
Lestandart Pierre   DKR 44, 578, C76/99 m. 33, 10 April 1416 William Hunter safe conduct to go to France with a servant to collect money for his ransom
Lethe Jean de, of Holland Poquet de Haut Jussé, La France, p. 150 (no 382)     in Nov 1418 received 100 lt to help him pay his ransom to the English
Leyre Robert de   DKR 44, 576, C76/98 m. 5, 12 Dec 1415   safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Liederkerke Cornille de Dynter Salisbury list as Monsieur Phelippe Leukirke and his brother    
Lieminge Jacob Uten Boffa, 282.      
Ligne Michel Monstrelet le fils aine et heritier du seigneur de Ligne      
Ligne Jean, seigneur de Ligne en Hainault Monstrelet le seigneur de Ligne en Haynau; morosini; Ruisseauville DKR 44, 581, C76/99 m. 24, Foedera, ix, 360, 3 June 1416 Richard, earl of Oxford safe conduct for him to go from Engl to France to seek money for his ransom fixed at 14,400 ecus
Logon Jean   E 101/48/2 no. 13 bond 9 Dec 1415; payment 28 May 1416 John Peny of Calais and Thomas Norfolk of Calais portion masters had to pay was 10s
Lotefiere Pierrotin, of Vimeu   E101/46/4, 16 jan 1416, bond. Payment 24 June 1416. Sir Henry Husee (ret of Duke of Gloucester) total for Husee’s ten prisoners which he had to pay to king was 200 marks (£123 6 8)
Lourtye Jean   E101/48/2, no 34, 30 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Thomas Langely of Calais and Thomas Ro[…] of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 23s 4d
Louys Oudert   E 101/48/2 no. 53 16 Dec 1415 bond; payment 19 April 1416 William Hotton and William Baldeston portion paid by masters to king was £7 8s 2d
Lumberd Paul   DKR 44, p. 586, C76/99 m 8, 3 Dec 1416 Sir John Gray safe conduct to go to France
Lupe Pierre de   Rymer, IV, ii, 149    
Mafyn Robert   E358/6 m. 3v William Kynwolmerch men of retinue capture prisoner of thus name
Magyn Drewen   DKR 44 p. 577 C76/98 m 3, 18 Feb 1416 Walter Hungerford safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Males Guillaume   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 8, 3 Dec 1416 Thomas Kendale safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Mallet Philippe   AN, JJ 171, no. 650 (24 Oct 1424) Thomas, duke of Clarence claims in petition that captured at the battle by Clarence, brought to England and put to ransom; in England for five years. Later captured at siege of Meaux
Malte Benedicte   DKR 44, 585, C76/99 m 11, 4 Dec 1416 Thomas Wenlock safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Mancenet Jean   DKR 44, p. 586, C76/99 m 9, 13 Dec 1416; DKR 44, 590, C76/100 m 23 13 April 1417 Sir John Blount safe conduct to go from England to France
Manvosin Stasard   E101/48/2, no 22, 14 Dec 1415, bond; payment 8 March 1416 Simon Wetyng (or Ketyng) of Calais and John Ellestowe (or Ellestoke) of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was £8 6s 8d
Martin ?, of the county of Eu   E101/46/4, 16 Jan 1416, bond. Payment 24 June 1416. Sir Henry Husee (ret of Duke of Gloucester) total for Husee’s ten prisoners which he had to pay to king was 200 marks (£123 6 8)
Marynghin Godyser de   E101/48/2, no 23, 3 Feb 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Sprot and Richard Campoland portion masters had to pay to king for their two prisoners de Maryghin and Jean de Moynieel was £16 13s 4d
May John   E101/45/12, 31 Jan 1416 bond. Payment 24 June 1416. William Trussell one of nine prisoners, portion payable by Trussell for him was 100 ecus
Menell Guillaume   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 7, 28 Jan 1417 David Bunbury of Cheshire safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Mesny Jean   E101/48/2, no 64, 5 Jan 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Sir Thomas Swynford and John Gibbeson of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was £38 17 9d ob
Milly Golloys de   DKR 44, 578, C76/98 m 1, 1 March 1416 Thomas, duke of Clarence safe conduct for him to go from England to France to seek money for ransom
Mindret Jean   E101/48/2, no 12, 14 Dec 1415, bond; payment 1 May 1416 Robert Drye of Calais and William Ward of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 66s 8dd
Mont-Abedeen Jean de   DKR 44, 577, C76/98 m. 3, 8 Feb 1416   safe conduct to go from England to France (group of eight prisoners given sc)
Montrevel Guillaume De Baye, ii, 235, Demerguer, ‘Baillis’, 255     taken prisoner at battle; had to defend his rights to office v Jacques de Montmore who claimed he was dead
Montury Jean de   E101/48/2 no 47, 10 Feb 1416, bond; payment 24 June 1416 Sir Roland Lenthale Knight portion that master had to pay king for his two prisoners, Louis de Gouye and Jean de Montury was £26 13s 4d
Mordraque Jean   E101/48/2, no 16, 18 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Holin (or Holm) and John Lawton portion masters had to pay to king was 20s
Morel Jean   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 7, 25 jan 1417   safe conduct for him to go from England to Fr
Mouy seigneur de Bourgeois      
Normandie Roger de   DKR 44, 590, C76/100 m 23, 9 April 1417 Robert Wase safe conduct to go to France to seek ransom
Noyelle Jean, seigneur de Monstrelet le seigneur de Noiele nomme le blanc chevalier E101/48/2, no 23, 3 Feb 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Sprot and Richard Campoland portion masters had to pay to king for their two prisoners de Maryghin and Jean de Noyelle (or Moyniell) was £16 13s 4d
Noyelle Baudouin de, seigneur de Catheux Monstrelet le seigneur de Noiele …et Baud son fils DKR 44, 590, C76/100 m 23, 14 April 1417 Henry, lord Fitzhugh safe conduct to go to France.
Occoches Jean de, seigneur de Monstrelet le seigneur d’Aurech en Ternois      
Orleans Charles, duke of Monstrelet duc d’Orleans; Brut Salisbury list    
Passenhover     E358/6 Robert Lawrence less than £13.6.8
Perffas Pierre   E 101/48/2 no. 63 17 April 1416 bond; payment 26 June 1417 John Lyle of Calais and Gerard Anee of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 26s 8d
Pesteil Guyot, seigneur de Pestil   DKR 44, 575, C76/98 m 7, 25 Nov 1415; AN Xia 4788f. 466, BN, PO 2246 No 50930 (35),   safe conduct with two barbers, to go to the king; AN ref that he had to pay big ransom of 5k as seneschal of Beaucaire
Phelyppe Gerkyn   E101/48/2, no 24, 30 Jan 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Hermer of Calais and Richard Walfrey of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 10s
Pont Belynger Robert   E101/48/2, no 50, 10 Aug 1416, bond; payment 25 Dec 1416 Peter Pykeryng of Calais and William Halton of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 44s 5 ob
Poype Rouland de la   E101/45/12, 31 Jan 1416 bond. Payment 24 June 1416. William Trussell one of nine prisoners, portion payable by Trussell for him was 40 ecus
Puenoise Antoine   E101/48/2 no. 40, 17 Feb 1416; payment 2 Feb 1417 Henry, lord Fitzhugh portion that master had to pay for his six prisoners was £37 (Damas de Veryns, Jean de Garyn and his valet, Jean Bonefoye, Jean Clerc, Antoine Puenoise, Jean Tras)
Puisaz Huet de   E101/48/2, no 18, 20 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 William Kirkeby of Calais and Roger Fourneux of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 22s 3d
Pusas ? de   E101/48/2, no 71, 19 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Peter Pykeryng of Calais and William Halton of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 33s 4d
Puy Geffroy du, seigneur de Dames Anselme, VIII, 902     Anselme gives ransom as 2,120 ecus; claims he was taken to England and detained for a whole year by two knights
Pynot Hamelot   E101/48/2, no 15, 18 Feb 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Simon Poller de Hull and Richard Ferror of Calais portion masters had to pay to king for their two prisoners Pynot and Jean Rignault was 67 10s
Quesnoy Charles du La Chenaye-Desbois      
Quieret Guy, seigneur de Henchin et Tours en Vimeu Monstrelet messire Bours Quieret seigneur de Henchin      
Quieret Pierre, seigneur de Ramecourt Monstrelet messire Pierre Quieret seigneur de Ramecourt: Anselme, VII      
Quintin Guillaume, bastard de   DKR 44, p. 579, C76/99 m. 31, 18 May 1416; Richard Redman and Brian Stapleton safe conduct for him to go to England; in June 1420 safe conduct to go to France to seek ransom (DKR 44, 619)
Ragueneau Antoine, seigneur de Malestroit   BN ms fr 7555 bis, 305   (taken prisoner at battle with duke of Orleans and died in England in 1415)
Rapliard Jean   E101/48/2, no. 5, 14 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Davy of Calais and John Chapell of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 111s 2d
Regnault Jean   E101/48/2, no 15, 18 Feb 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Simon Poller de Hull and Richard Ferro portion masters had to pay to king for their two prisoners Pynot and Jean Rignault was 67 10s
Rewe Peter de   DKR 44, 575, C76/98 m 6, 20 Nov 1415 Walter Hungerford safe conduct for him to go from England to France
Richemont Artur, count of Richemont Monstrelet le conte de Richemont; Brut; Basset. DKR 44, 577, C76/98 m 3, 18 jan 1416, Salisbury list   safe conduct for him to go from England to France
Ridel Philippe   AN JJ 170/108 (Jan 1418)    
Rieux Pierre de   DKR 44, 575, C76/98 m. 4, 20 Nov 1415 Walter Hungerford safe conduct for him to go from England to his estates in France
Rigault Jean   E101/48/2, no 15, 18 Feb 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Simon Poller de Hull, Richard Ferror of Calais portion masters had to pay to king for their two prisoners Pynot and Jean Rignault was 67 10s
Rochechouart Jean de, seigneur de Mortemart, Vivonne, St Germain Brut has a Sir John de Roche in prisoners; Anselme IV 649      
Rochouard Louis   E101/48/2, no 58, 9 Jan 1416 bond; payment 19 April 1416 Thomas Bourgh of Calais and John Bustowe of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 62s 3d
Rohan Edouard, vicomte de Leon Gruel: under banner of Richemont and prisoner      
Rollencourt Jean   E101/48/2, no 48, 20 Feb 1416 bond; payment 24 June 1416 Henry Noon and Richard Sherborn portion masters had to pay to king was £9 6s 8d
Rotslaire Jean de,seigneur de Vorselaar et Rethy Dynter ICB no 10110 (mentioned as combattant but not as prisoner); Archives generales du royaume chambre des comptes no 2399 fol 49,    
Rottorey Colard   E101/45/12, 31 Jan 1416 bond. Payment 24 June 1416. William Trussell one of nine prisoners, portion payable by Trussell for him was 40 ecus
Rouvroy Guillaume La Chenaye-Desbois XV, 525      
Rouvyle Peter de   DKR 44, 579, C76/99 m 32, 12 May 1416 Thomas Werte safe conduct for him (with a servant) to go from England to France to seek money for ransom
Roye Olivier de   E101/48/2, no 39, 13 Jan 1416 bond; payment 24 June 1416 Matthew Brigg of Sapwik (?), Dorset and William Gourney of the same county portion masters had to pay to king was £12 13s 4d
Roye Mathieu de, seigneur de Monstrelet le seigneur de Roye     belleval considers he was taken to england and had to pay a big ransom
Ruchon Vallet   E101/46/4, 16 Jan 1416, bond. Payment 24 June 1416. Sir Henry Husee (ret of Duke of Gloucester) total for Husee’s ten prisoners which he had to pay to king was 200 marks (£123 6 8)
Ruffelay Geoffrey, of Brittany   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 8, 10 Dec 1416 Willliam Fraunceys safe conduct for him to go from England to Brittany to seek his ransom
Russell Robert, of Brittany   DKR 44, 592, C76/100 m 21 27 April 1417 William Malbysshe safe conduct to go to Brittany
Russell Alan, of Brittany   DKR 44, 592, C76/100 m 21 27 April 1417 William Malbysshe safe conduct to go to Brittany
Russen Jean   E101/48/2, no 27, 7 April 1416; payment 7 June 1416 Richard Ferron and John Aluedle (audley?) portion masters had to pay to king was 22s 3d
Rykeburgh Lionel de   E101/48/2, no 42, 14 April 1416, bond; payment 24 June 1416 Giles Thorndon esquire portion masters had to pay to king was £46 13s 4d
Saint-Geri Nicholas Dynter      
Saint-Jean Jean de, of Brittany   DKR 44, p. 609, C76/101 m. 3, 14 Jan 1419 Sir Richard Redman safe conduct to go to France to seek money for ransom
Savoisy Charles de, seigneur de Saillenay Morosini and Bourgeois include in prisoners Rymer, IV, ii, 151, DKR 44, 575, C76/98 m. 6, 6 Dec 1415   safe conduct for him with two esq and 4 servants and six other French prisoners to go to king; On 18 August 1418, he received 2,000 l.t. from the king ‘pour sa rançon naguère payée aux Anglais’.
Seint Jeannot de   E101/46/4, 16 jan 1416, bond. Payment 24 June 1416. Sir Henry Husee (ret of Duke of Gloucester) total for Husee’s ten prisoners which he had to pay to king was 200 marks (£123 6 8)
Seint Ion Jean de   ADN B 1920 f 94v, 13 April 1420   receives 200 francs to help him pay ransom to Engl who had held him prisoner for long time, also for his good services
Seland Moreo de   DKR 44, 577, C76/98 m 3, 18 Feb 1416 Walter Hungerford safe conduct for him to go from England to France
Sesse Guichard de   Rymer, IV, ii, 149    
Seveysal Jean   E101/48/2, no 28, 30 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 William Russel of Worcestershire and Roger Duddeley of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 20s
Sevysal Alain le   E101/46/4, 16 Jan 1416, bond, Payment 24 June 1416. Sir Henry Husee (ret of Duke of Gloucester) total for Husee’s ten prisoners which he had to pay to king was 200 marks (£123 6 8)
Seynoble Hugh   E101/48/2, no 21, 1 Jan 1416, bond; payment 1 Aug 1416 William Lynde of Calais and John Johnson of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 33s 4d
Slakke Henry   E101/48/2 no 55, 18 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Laurent Wotton and Thomas Kyghley portion that masters had to pay king was 11s 2d
Somerset Sampson de   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 7, 10 Dec 1416 William Rokell safe conduct for him to go from England to France to seek money for his ransom
Sotere John   DKR 44, 578, C76/99 m. 33, 8 April 1416 Edward Courtenay safe conduct for him to go from England to Francewith a servant to seek money for ransom
Taillis Louis, de Beaugeloys   E101/46/4, 16 jan 1416, bond. Payment 24 June 1416. Sir Henry Husee (ret of Duke of Gloucester) total for Husee’s ten prisoners which he had to pay to king was 200 marks (£123 6 8)
Tandard Peter de   DKR 44, 578, C76/99 m 33, 10 April 1416 William Hunter safe conduct for him to go from England to France
Tesson Raoul   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 8, 3 Dec 1416 John Halebot, groom of the duke of Bedford safe conduct for him to go from England to France(could be capture of 1416 battle?)
Testegros Thomas   DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m 8, 3 Dec 1416 Thomas Whyte safe conduct for him to go from England to France
Torcy Guillaume, seigneur de Bourgeois. Basset: dead. Geste des nobles francais: assembling for the fight E101/45/12, 31 Jan 1416 bond. Payment 24 June 1416. William Trussell one of nine prisoners, portion payable by Trussell for him was 104 ecus
Tras Jean   E101/48/2 no. 40, 17 Feb 1416; payment 2 Feb 1417 Henry, lord Fitzhugh portion that master had to pay for his six prisoners was £37 (Damas de Veryns, Jean de Garyn and his valet, Jean Bonefoye, Jean Clerc, Antoine Puenoise, Jean Tras)
Trie Jacques de, seigneur de Rollebosc   Rymer, IV, ii, 151, DKR 44, 575, C76/98 m. 6, 6 Dec 1415   safe conduct with an esquire and two servants and six other French prisoners to come to king
Tromagon Louis Des Ursins     200 francs
Trousseau Jacques Boulogne’ p. 101     released on parole 12 Jan 1416
Trowe Jean   E101/48/2, no 59, 16 Oct 1416, bond; payment 12 April 1417 John Miston of Calais and John Petit of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was £16 13s 4d
Turree Guillaume   E101/48/2, no 22, 16 May 1416, bond; payment 24 June 1416 Sir Richard Tempest knight portion master had to pay to king for his three prisoners La Ryvere, Guillaume Turree and Gerdin Aynger was £15 11 1 ob , 280 ecus in all
Tyrel de Poix Jeannet Monstrelet messire Jennet de Poix DKR 44, 577, C 76/98 m 3, 11 Feb 1416 Sir Nicholas Merbury safe conduct for him and Jean Chastell to go from England to their estates in France to collect money for ransom, and pay it either in Calais of England
unknown     E 101/48/2 no 70 16 Dec 1415 bond; payment 19 April 1416 Thomas Maryfold and John […] portion masters had to pay to king was 66s 8d. Prisoner name illegible
unknown     E 210/2807 25 April 1416 bond; payment 24 June 1416 Sir William Phelip portions master had to pay to king was £17 15s 2 three fa.
Vally Mayot de   E101/46/4, 16 jan 1416, bond. Payment 24 June 1416. Sir Henry Husee (ret of Duke of Gloucester) total for Husee’s ten prisoners which he had to pay to king was 200 marks (£123 6 8)
Van Herschill Franscekin   E101/48/2, no. 8, 20 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Van Beek of Calais and John Page of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 33s 4d
Vansour Richard   E101/48/2, no 68, 30 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 John Ormesby of Calais and Oliver Baldyngton of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was 77s 10d for two prisoners Richard Vansour and Geradin Anger
Varlet Esteven   E101/48/2, no 9, 3 Feb 1416, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Roger Forneux of Calais and John Russel of Calais portion masters had to pay to king was £4 8s 11d
Vendome Louis Monstrelet le conte de Vendome; Brut Salisbury list; DKR 44, 590, C 76/100 m 23, 9 April 1417; DKR 44, 594 C76/100 m 19 24 May 1417; DKR 44, 600, C76/100 m 6 Oct 1417   safe conduct for Sir Jean de la Croys and other Frenchmen to go to France to seek ransom of count of Vendome;safe conductfor himself to cross to France;safe conductSir Jean de la Crois coming ot king on behalf of count of Vendome
Vendricourt Henon de   E101/48/2 no. 31-2, 24 Feb 1416; payment 24 June 1416 Sir John Grey master had to pay to king for this prisoner 200 ecus (in group of 10 prisoners, total £163 6s 8d)
Ventadour Jacques (or Charles) Boulogne’ p 105      
Veryns Damas de   E101/48/2 no. 40, 17 Feb 1416 bond; payment 2 Feb 1417 Henry, lord Fitzhugh portion that master had to pay for his six prisoners was £37 (Damas de Veryns, Jean de Garyn and his valet, Jean Bonefoye, Jean Clerc, Antoine Puenoise, Jean Tras)
Viesville Moyne, son of the seigneur de La Viesville   ADN 1923, f. 101 r-v, 30 April 1421   lord of La Viesville given 20 gros by the duke of Burgundy for the expenses incurred by ransom of his son Moyne who was captured at rhe battle
Vinet Jean Boulogne’, pp 108-9,     released on parole and received at Boulogne 8 Nov 1415
Vyncent Jean   E101/48/2 no 62, 27 Dec 1415, bond; payment 19 April 1416 Peter Pykeryng of Calais and William Halton of Calais portion that masters had to pay king for their two prisoners Jean Vyncent and Jean Dreune was 26s 8d
Vyueivil Pierre de   E101/48/2 no. 31-2, 24 Feb 1416; payment 24 June 1416 Sir John Grey master had to pay to king for this prisoner 300 ecus (in group of 10 prisoners, total £163 6s 8d)
Waencourt Jean de, seigneur de Pont-Remy Belleval claims that cited in all chronicles but not found      
Warner John   E101/45/12, 31 Jan 1416, bond. Payment 24 June 1416. William Trussell one of nine prisoners, portion payable by Trussell for him was 50 ecus
Witte Jan de, bourgmestre de Louvain Boffa, 282.      
Zeeland Moreu de   DKR 44, 575, C76/98 m. 4; 20 Nov 1415 (see also DKR 44 p. 577 C76/98 m 3, 18 Feb 1416) Walter Hungerford safe conducts for him to go from England to his estates in France
Bassiers Hellyn de   (Harfleur) E101/47/35, POPC ii, 205. 17 Nov 1415-12 Feb 1417, 6 March 1417-19 May 1423   one of 12 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur. Kept at Hammes nov 1415-Feb 1417, then in Fleet till release on 19 May 1423
Billy Jean   E101/47/35, POPC ii, 205. 17 Nov 1415-12 Feb 1417, 6 March 1417-19 May 1423   one of 12 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur. Kept at Hammes nov 1415-Feb 1417, then in Fleet till release on 19 May 1423
Blosset Colard   (taken at Harfleur) E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   one of 16 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur and released on parole. Went to Calais in Nov, and then taken to England by William Hudleston and kep in Tower by Wm Bourchier cptn and Robert Aston lieut
Boscherville Hector   (taken at Harfleur) E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   one of 16 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur and released on parole. Went to Calais in Nov, and then taken to England by William Hudleston and kep in Tower by Wm Bourchier cptn and Robert Aston lieut
Chalons Huguenyn de   (taken at Harfleur) E101/47/35, POPC ii, 205. 17 Nov 1415-12 Feb 1417, 6 March 1417-19 May 1423   one of 12 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur. Kept at Hammes nov 1415-Feb 1417, then in Fleet till release on 19 May 1423
Chevers Jean de   (Harfleur) E101/47/35, POPC ii, 205. 17 Nov 1415-12 Feb 1417, 6 March 1417-19 May 1423   one of 12 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur. Kept at Hammes nov 1415-Feb 1417, then in Fleet till release on 19 May 1423
Clere Georges de   (taken at Harfleur) E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   one of 16 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur and released on parole. Went to Calais in Nov, and then taken to England by William Hudleston and kep in Tower by Wm Bourchier cptn and Robert Aston lieut
Creypn Guillaume   (taken at Harfleur) DKR 44, 587, C76/99 m 5 (safe conduct for his servant going to France) 18 Feb 1417, DKR 44, 588, C 76/99 m 4, 3 March 1417; E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   safe conduct for servant to go from England to Fr; second safe conduct to go to France to seek money for ransom of self and Estouteville
Derneville Guyonnet   (taken at Harfleur) E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   one of 16 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur and released on parole. Went to Calais in Nov, and then taken to England by William Hudleston and kep in Tower by Wm Bourchier cptn and Robert Aston lieut
Dougdale Ralph   (taken at Harfleur) E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   one of 16 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur and released on parole. Went to Calais in Nov, and then taken to England by William Hudleston and kep in Tower by Wm Bourchier cptn and Robert Aston lieut
Esneval Robert de, seigneur de Saint-Maclou et Bourdainville   (taken at Harfleur) E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   one of 16 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur and released on parole. Went to Calais in Nov, and then taken to England by William Hudleston and kep in Tower by Wm Bourchier cptn and Robert Aston lieut
Estouteville Guillaume, seigneur de Torcy Bourgeois, 88; Basset: as seigneur de la riviere thibouville rallied enermy after battle and triggered killing of prisoners (taken at Harfleur) DKR 44, 587 C76/99 m 5 (safe conduct for his servant going to France for ransom), 18 Feb 1417 (see Crepyn); DKR 44, 589, C76/99 m 3 16 March 1417; DKR44, 595 C76/100 m 17 26 june 1417; E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260 prisoner of the king safe conduct forservant to go from England to France to seek money for his ransom; Mar 1417 and June 1417 refs are for himself going to France;
Estouteville Charles de   (taken at Harfleur) E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   one of 16 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur and released on parole. Went to Calais in Nov, and then taken to England by William Hudleston and kep in Tower by Wm Bourchier cptn and Robert Aston lieut
Evreux Aubert de   (taken at Harfleur) E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   one of 16 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur and released on parole. Went to Calais in Nov, and then taken to England by William Hudleston and kep in Tower by Wm Bourchier cptn and Robert Aston lieut
Fountenerz Enguerrand de   (taken at Harfleur) E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   one of 16 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur and released on parole. Went to Calais in Nov, and then taken to England by William Hudleston and kep in Tower by Wm Bourchier cptn and Robert Aston lieut
Gauseville Pierre de   (taken at Harfleur) E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   one of 16 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur and released on parole. Went to Calais in Nov, and then taken to England by William Hudleston and kep in Tower by Wm Bourchier cptn and Robert Aston lieut
Graincourt Regnault   (taken at Harfleur) E101/47/35, POPC ii, 205. 17 Nov 1415-12 Feb 1417, 6 March 1417-19 May 1423   one of 12 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur. Kept at Hammes nov 1415-Feb 1417, then in Fleet till release on 19 May 1423
Greineville Guillaume   (taken at Harfleur) E101/47/35, POPC ii, 205. 17 Nov 1415-12 Feb 1417, 6 March 1417-19 May 1423   one of 12 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur. Kept at Hammes nov 1415-Feb 1417, then in Fleet till release on 19 May 1423
Longuechamp Brunet de   (taken at Harfleur) E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   one of 16 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur and released on parole. Went to Calais in Nov, and then taken to England by William Hudleston and kep in Tower by Wm Bourchier cptn and Robert Aston lieut
Monbraesean Pierre de   (taken at Harfleur) E101/47/35, POPC ii, 205. 17 Nov 1415-12 Feb 1417, 6 March 1417-19 May 1423   one of 12 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur. Kept at Hammes nov 1415-Feb 1417, then in Fleet till release on 19 May 1423
Pauniers Pierre de   (taken at Harfleur) E101/47/35, POPC ii, 205. 17 Nov 1415-12 Feb 1417, 6 March 1417-19 May 1423   one of 12 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur. Kept at Hammes Nov 1415-Feb 1417, then in Fleet till release on 19 May 1423
Quesnes Jean des, dit Karados, seigneur de Saresvilliers et Boulogne-la-Crasse   (Harfleur) DKR 44, 586, C76/99 m. 7 11 Dec 1416; E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260; BN P.O. 2414 No 54120, letter of duke of Burgundy 22 Dec 1421   safe conduct to go to France to seek money for ransom; duke’s letter states he was taken prisoner at Agincourt and had to sell his estate of Tramicourt nr Peronne to pay ransom. But was actually taken prisoner at Harfleur
Reynevill Thibaut   (taken at Harfleur) E101/47/35, POPC ii, 205. 17 Nov 1415-12 Feb 1417   one of 12 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur. Kept at Hammes nov 1415-Feb 1417,. Did not come to England as others did
Sapynes Hugh de   (taken at Harfleur) E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   one of 16 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur and released on parole. Went to Calais in Nov, and then taken to England by William Hudleston and kep in Tower by Wm Bourchier cptn and Robert Aston lieut
Taillement Jean de   (taken at Harfleur) E101/47/35, POPC ii, 205. 17 Nov 1415-12 Feb 1417, 6 March 1417-19 May 1423   one of 12 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur. Kept at Hammes nov 1415-Feb 1417, then in Fleet till release on 19 May 1423
Turgeville Jean   (taken at Harfleur) E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   one of 16 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur and released on parole. Went to Calais in Nov, and then taken to England by William Hudleston and kep in Tower by Wm Bourchier cptn and Robert Aston lieut
Tybutot Thomasin   (taken at Harfleur) E101/406/29; E403/623, E404/34/260   one of 16 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur and released on parole. Went to Calais in Nov, and then taken to England by William Hudleston and kep in Tower by Wm Bourchier cptn and Robert Aston lieut
Vieville Jaket   (taken at Harfleur) E101/47/35, POPC ii, 205. 17 Nov 1415-12 Feb 1417, 6 March 1417-19 May 1423   one of 12 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur. Kept at Hammes nov 1415-Feb 1417, then in Fleet till release on 19 May 1423
Wasaers Herlyn de   (taken at Harfleur) E101/47/35, POPC ii, 205. 17 Nov 1415-12 Feb 1417, 6 March 1417-19 May 1423   one of 12 soldiers taken prisoner at surrender of Harfleur. Kept at Hammes nov 1415-Feb 1417, then in Fleet till release on 19 May 1423
La Tremoille? Georges de, comte de Guines Anselme, VIII, 164      
Chauvigny? Jean de, seigneur de Blot and Viviers   AN Xia 4791, f 189r-v.   He claims he was captured at the battle, and invokes right to aid aux quatre cas on his subjects
Hellenvillier? Pierre de, seigneur de Feuguerolles et Avrilly   BN PO 1504 (de Hellenviller en Normandie 56), 9 May 1416, in Curry, Sources, 467; AN JJ184/606 Sir John Cornwall petition of Jeanne Gaillouvel of 9 March 1416 claims he was prisoner of John Cornwall in England but AN JJ 184/606 suggests he died at battle
La Clyte Commynes? Jean, seigneur de Commynes Cour amoureuse, 278     ‘enormous’, taken prisoner at Ruisseauville
Mornay? Pierre de, seigneur de Gaulnes et La Ferte Nabert Demurger, ‘Baillis’, 279-80     Demurger assumed he was prisoner as no trace of him till 1417 but no evidence of this